As the “woke pope“, Pope Francis, pushes the Roman Catholic Church ever closer to wokeness and further from real Christianity, a new book, posthumously released by Pope Benedict XVI, has been released in which Benedict XVI drops a hammer on the modern church, warning against its drift toward woke modernity rather than the true teachings of Christ.
Posting about the book on Twitter, “V“, who produced the “Pope Head Post” Substack, said:
Yesterday an absolute bombshell was released, something completely unprecedented in the history of the Catholic Church. No English speaking news outlets have discussed it, and I believe we are witnessing mass media censorship. Benedict XVI published a posthumous book
the reason that it was so unexpected is because Benedict explicitly wished that the collection of writings would only be published after his death. Why?
“For my part, in life, I no longer want to publish anything. The fury of the circles against me in Germany is so strong that the appearance of every my word immediately causes a murderous shouting from them. I want to spare myself and Christendom this.”
in his testimony, we hear things never before said by a Pope. things never thought possible to come from a Bishop of Romes lips
And Benedict XVI did indeed make some explosive, bombshell claims that it is understandable he would only want released after his passing, as the “murderous shouting” to result once the woke members of the church are forced to respond won’t be pretty.
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In one passage, for example, he said “There were individual bishops, and not only in the United States, who rejected the Catholic tradition as a whole, aiming in their dioceses to develop a kind of new, modern catholicity Perhaps it is worth mentioning the fact that, in not a few seminaries, students caught reading my books were considered unfit for the priesthood. My books were concealed as harmful literature and were read only in secret, so to speak.”
In another, Benedict spoke out about homosexuality in the church and the “gay clubs” that exist in seminaries, saying:
“In various seminaries homosexual ‘clubs’ were formed which acted more or less openly and which clearly transformed the atmosphere in the seminaries. Ina seminary in southern Germany, candidates for the preisthood and condidates for the lay office of pastoral referent lived together.”
In a related passage, he said “a bishop, who had previously been rector, had allowed seminarians to be shown pornographic films.”
Adding more context to why the claims made by Benedict are so explosive and important, “V” added:
“For the record, the “bombshell” isn’t finding out about this, everyone paying attention knew this. What’s crazy is a Pope admitting this (from beyond the grave no less lol)
“The historical significance of this is incredible, a Pope publishing these things, and yet not a single major American media outlet has commented on it. Just insane
“Also for those unaware, this is the third of the highly critical books of Pope Francis to be released in the wake of Benedict’s death. We are witnessing a monumental even in the history of the Church, the beginning of an outright civil war in the church
“If what is occurring right now in the Vatican occurred 400 years ago, Europe would undoubtably be dragged into outright war. The question at the heart of the conflict, is Francis a legitimate Pope?”
Francis is under attack. He’s met with “Catholics” who support abortion like Rep. Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden. He’s pushed the church to the left and ignored China’s horrific crimes while finding areas of compromise with the Chinese state. He is, in other words, not one who embodies the Catholicism of days past, but rather the “modern catholicity” that Benedict wrote so strongly against. We’ll see if anything comes of Benedict’s attack on him and attack on the woke drift of the church. One can’t help but doubt it.
By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1