As blue as the libertine state of Colorado has become, passing early legislation years ago to legalize marijuana and gay marriage as well as more recently becoming a so-called sanctuary state for transgender children, the second amendment appears to be alive and well thanks to efforts by supporters of freedom and common sense.
A bill proposed to ban “assault-style weapons” was defeated after 15 hours of contentious debate this week at the state capitol building in Denver. A judiciary committee failed to send a bill from State Representative Elisabeth Epps to the rest of the chamber after a vote of 8-5 squashed it.
Amazingly, Democrats control the legislature but were unable to find the political will and capital necessary to enshrine the bill into law.
As CBS reported, Colorado has still been able to push through a “package of narrower gun control measures” that make it look more like California and New York, despite this latest setback on Democrat tyranny.
“The Legislature has passed a package of narrower gun control measures that is expected to be signed by the state’s governor — more closely aligning Colorado with the liberal strongholds of California and New York,” CBS wrote. “But the sweeping ban on semi-automatic firearms faces much stiffer odds and illustrates that even Democratic-controlled statehouses don’t have free rein on overhauling laws rooted deep in American culture.”
CBS continued:
The other gun-control proposals that have found broad Democratic support include strengthening red-flag laws, raising the firearm purchasing age to 21, opening the gun industry up to legal liability and installing a three-day waiting period after buying a gun.
In one of the first testimonies of the hearing, Austin Hein of the National Association for Gun Rights said that none of the bills will do “anything to address the root cause of the mental health, overly medicated children in fatherless homes and gun-free zones that are plaguing our state.”
Hein added that, particularly the semi-automatic ban, which includes a number of pistols and shotguns, “will leave law-abiding citizens defenseless to the alarming rise of violent crime caused by the progressive criminal justice reform.”
As even leftist governor Jared Polis seemed reluctant to admit, the outright ban on weapons could place him squarely in line to be ousted from power. And as much as Democrats hate guns, they love their own little kingdoms more. Leftist gun grabbers might have the political support in urban centers like Denver and Colorado Springs, but the rest of the state is largely rural and red, meaning if he ceded authority to the far-left lunatics he was liable to lose his narrow margin of power.
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“Democrats have collectively forced the other gun control measures through the House, Senate and toward the governor’s desk, but the semi-automatic firearm ban has not received the same urgency. Polis, a Democrat, has demurred when asked questions about the ban. It is a state where Democrats know well that going too far on gun laws can put them in political peril,” CBS said.
At least for now, the second amendment continues to be a powerful bulwark against encroaching tyranny.