Rep. Ken Buck is a conservative member of Congress from Colorado. During a recent hearing, he powerfully described abortion, making it crystal clear what the violent, sick procedure the Democrats are fighting for really is.
Tweeting out the video, Rep. Buck said “Let’s be clear: Democrats are talking about ripping the arms off of an unborn baby. And then the legs. And then the head.” Watch him here:
Let’s be clear: Democrats are talking about ripping the arms off of an unborn baby. And then the legs. And then the head.
— Rep. Ken Buck (@RepKenBuck) February 28, 2023
As you can hear in the video, Rep. Buck said:
“Every state has legalized abortion, some states, unbelievably, and my state is one of them. And I’m thoroughly embarrassed that my state is one of them has abortion up until the time of birth. Now let’s just make sure we understand something because we use terms like late term abortion. And it’s in it’s so polite, and it’s in it’s you know, you could go to a cocktail party and you could talk about late term abortion and not really offend anybody.
“You’re talking about ripping the arms off of an unborn baby, and then the legs and then the head, a beating heart, a central nervous system that is fully functional. And all of you sit on that side and suggest that we are in favor of a ban on abortion.
“I’ll tell you something the American people aren’t in favor of they are in favor of ripping the arms off of a unbaby and the legs and the head and pulling that baby out as if it was some group of cells. That baby is a living human being. It just happens to be inside of its mother at the time. That’s disgusting. That’s not what America stands for.”
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Rep. Buck also signed off on a letter demanding that AG Garland take the attacks on pro-liffe pregnancy centers seriously. In the letter, Rep. Buck and the other co-signers said:
Since the leak of the draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on May 2, 2022, there have been at least 40 documented attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers and churches.
These attacks include incidences of vandalism, destruction of property, and even firebombing. The radical group Jane’s Revenge, which took credit for the May 2022 firebombing of a pregnancy center in Madison, Wisconsin, has even declared it “open season” on pro-life organizations and vowed to ramp up its offensive.
This tide of violence is likely to continue in the coming months as an official court opinion is released. It is critical that the Department of Justice take steps now to protect pro-life pregnancy centers and places of worship. The Clinton Administration took such steps to protect abortion clinics, signing the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act of 1994. The FACE Act makes it a federal crime to use force, threats of force, physical obstruction, intentional injury, or intimidation against clinics providing “reproductive health services” or places of worship, with penalties including both fines and imprisonment. It also makes it a federal crime to intentionally damage or destroy the property of such clinics or places of worship. The clinics covered include those offering “services relating to pregnancy.”
During the 1990s the DOJ went so far as preemptively dispatching U.S. Marshals under the law to guard abortion clinics across the country. In doing so, Attorney General Janet Reno was responding to pro-abortion activists comparing acts of violence against abortion clinics to violence against civil rights workers and students in the 1960s, saying that the federal government was “using all federal tools” to protect abortion clinics. The U.S. Marshals Service continued to protect abortion providers into the 2000s under both the Bush and Obama Administrations.
The Supreme Court has likewise upheld related speech restrictions on First Amendment rights, ruling a 36 foot protest “buffer zone” from abortion clinic entrances and driveways constitutional in Madsen v. Women’s Health Center, Inc. (1993) and a similar 15-foot buffer zone constitutional in Schenck v. Pro-Choice Network of Western New York (1997). In Hill v. Colorado (2000), the Court upheld a floating 8-foot protest buffer zone for passersby, writing that the legislation did not violate the content-neutrality test established under Ward v. Rock against Racism (1989) because it did not apply to the “content of the demonstrators’ speech” but
rather the location of that speech.
The assault on pro-life Americans’ constitutional rights to freedom of speech and religion must be stopped. Given efforts from all three branches of government throughout the 1990s to protect abortion, the means to fight back against this lawless behavior are already in place. We urge the Department of Justice to aggressively and immediately take steps to stop the violence and protect the rights of all Americans.
Commenting on that matter at the time, Rep. Buck said “I’ve seen this pattern before when I was a prosecutor—criminals don’t stop until they’re stopped. Since the Roe v. Wade leak, pro-abortion extremists have been committing acts of terrorism against pro-life organizations and churches across the nation. They won’t stop until the Justice Department steps up and does its job.”
Featured image credit: screengrab from embedded video