Franklin Graham, prominent evangelical son of Reverand Billy Graham and renowned pastor in his own right, “denounced the abandonment of biblical morality on human life and sexuality” as Breitbart put it when discussing the issues of abortion and gay marriage.
“Many churches today are being influenced by culture when it should be the other way around — the church should be influencing culture with the Word of God,” the evangelical pastor said this past week.
“There are denominations and many churches that have compromised on what God’s Word says about things such as homosexuality, marriage, and abortion,” Graham added.
The younger Graham then pointed to a church in Jacksonville, Florida as a counterexample to the abandonment of basic biblical morality. The First Baptist Church of Jacksonville riled up the woke mob when it put out a statement declaring that God creates only males and females and that “this creation is a fixed matter.”
“God creates people in his image as either male or female, and that this creation is a fixed matter of human biology, not individual choice,” the Jacksonville church’s statement read in part. Five years ago this would have caused backlash, let alone even need to be said.
The church’s affirmation of biblical morality continued:
“I believe marriage is instituted by God, not government, is between one man and one woman, and is the only context for sexual desire and expression,” it said.
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Franklin Graham praised the adoption of the statement, referring to it as “something that every church in America should adopt” because it “takes the ifs, ands, and buts out of it. Way to go First Baptist Church of Jacksonville! I hope thousands of churches will follow your example. God bless you!” he concluded.
Graham has long been speaking to those willing to heed his advice that the foundation of the Christian West is crumbling as secularism continues its march unabated. In 2015, he penned an article observing that the “walls of biblical morality are crumbling” in a speech reminiscent of his more recent comments.
“We can’t sit idle…we need to take a bold stand. We need to cry out to God on behalf of our nation,” Graham wrote in an article for Charisma News. “I believe that it is going to take the church of Jesus Christ standing up for righteousness, shoulder to shoulder, to make a difference in this country. I do not believe that Republicans or Democrats or any other party can turn this nation around, but I do have hope. God hears the prayers of His people, and walls can be rebuilt.”
Graham’s piece came during the time of the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump 2016 election. About voting, he said:
“I’m not going to endorse specific candidates, but I believe it’s vitally important that we vote for those who best support biblical and godly principles,” he stressed. “Christians should be going to the polls and voting in record numbers. Your vote does matter. Millions of evangelical Christians did not vote in the last presidential election. If Christians continue to leave voting to others, there may be no turning this country around,” he said.