President-elect Donald Trump recently delivered a heartwarming message to a crowd of supporters that illustrated the true meaning of Christmas, which is all too often lost in modern Western culture. In his remarks, Trump emphasized that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ while urging Americans to rejoice with friends and family.
Trump began his Christmas speech, “For Christians all across our nation, around the world, this is a sacred season that begins 2000 years ago, when Jesus Christ was born, an angel declared to the shepherds tending their flocks. Behold, I bring you good tidings, great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ, the Lord.”
Further detailing the amazing account of Christ’s birth, the incoming president continued, “There in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph held in their hands the Son of God, the light of the world, and through him, the promise of eternal salvation, no matter one’s faith or beliefs, the Christmas season reflects all that is best in the American spirit.”
“This is a time of the year for rejoicing with our family and friends, for spreading charity and goodwill in our commitment all over this country, in all of our communities, and for giving thanks for all of the blessings in our lives,” Trump added, emphasizing that everyone should spend the holiday carrying out acts of generosity and expressing gratitude.
Continuing in his remarks, Trump drew attention to those who have been impacted by major natural disasters throughout the year, such as the wildfires out west and Hurricane Helene on the East Coast. “At this time of the year, we renew the bonds of affection between our fellow citizens and we awaken the faith in our hearts that calls each of us to action as we gather loved ones, our thoughts turn to those who are rebuilding their lives after devastating wildfires, destructive hurricanes and terrible tragedy,” he said, while promoting unity within the American people in these challenging times.
Paying respects to first responders and the United States Military, Trump added, “Tonight, we honor the first responders who risk their lives to save the lives of others and all of America sends our profound gratitude to the incredible men and women of the United States military. And I’m proud to say our military right now is stronger than ever before..”
He noted, “Their families are all our families, and we thank them so much for their greatness and for the incredible job they do.” Asking God to watch over our nation’s troops, Trump stated, “We ask God to watch over this nation’s heroes and to shed his almighty grace upon our nation, and we pray that America’s light will shine more brightly and stronger than ever, and it will,
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Concluding his powerful Christmas speech, Trump said, “On behalf of Melania and myself and the entire Trump family, many of whom are with us tonight, I want to again, wish you all a very, very merry Christmas. May this Christmas season bring peace to your hearts, warmth to your homes, cheer to your spirit and Joy to the world. Merry Christmas everyone. Merry Christmas and God bless you.”
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.