ABC’s “The View” is often known for its left-wing takes a variety of social and political issues by its predominantly liberal panel of co-hosts. In a recent segment featuring Bill Maher as a guest, the comedian pointed out that you “lose all credibility” if you criticize Donald Trump for being old, but not Joe Biden.
Co-host Joy Behar introduced the topic of Maher’s bipartisan criticism, noting that he goes after both Trump and Biden. “Well, you have this new book out. And you know, I watch your show all the time. So I know that you have been, you’re a comic, but you basically go after Trump and Biden. You know, both of them and a lot of people are not happy with you about that. So … well not equally … because you know that Trump is more dangerous,” Behar said.
While the right has celebrated some of Maher’s recent outspoken criticism, he is by no means a supporter of Donald Trump. The comedian clarified that he viewed former President Trump as a “danger,” noting that he has long stated that he would never “give up power.”
“Of course, I mean, I don’t think anybody was more out front on that danger than I was. I was talking about how he was never gonna give up power. Long ago when everybody was laughing at me and said, You smoke too much pot and they said I smoke just the right amount of I was using the term slow moving cool before he was elected the first time that’s fine. So this guy is never going to concede power. It’s impossible to imagine him going, ‘Oh, I lost,’ you can’t do it. He just, that’s just not in his nature,” Maher said.
Behar chimed in, explaining that he has reservations about saying anything critical about Biden over concerns that it may cause some voters to abandon the president in favor of Donald Trump. “I’m nervous about saying anything against Biden because I feel, not that I have so much power — and you have some more than I do obviously. Are you afraid that might influence people who are on the fence?” she asked.
Maher outright told Behar that you “lose all credibility” of being a fair critic if you refuse to call out Joe Biden, but incessantly blast Trump. “I think you lose all credibility,” Maher responded. “I do. I mean, my bond with my audience has always been [that] I don’t pull a punch. My bond with my audience is you’re not gonna like everything I say, but you know I’m saying what I really think is true.”
The host of “Real Time with Bill Maher” further discusses Biden’s obvious elderly state, that some Democrats are reluctant to acknowledge. He explained, that while Trump and Biden are relatively close in age, the president “presents as old” in a way that Trump doesn’t. Watch the clip below:
“Biden just presents as old it’s not really fair. No, because he’s almost the same age, as Trump is almost the same age as him. Trump doesn’t present that way. You know, you look at somebody right away. You can kind of just sum them up. I mean, we are not young, but we don’t present as old. Biden does. I saw him yesterday making that speech. I mean, I’m sorry, he’s cadaver-like,” Maher stated.
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