A county in Colorado is worried about the migration crisis and now is taking dramatic action to shut it down, prospectively putting bus companies that transport the migrants on notice not to either stop in or drop off migrants in the community. That community is Douglas County, Colorado, where the large number of Republicans has decided that it needs to prevent Denver from sending migrants to it .
Such is what the Douglas County Commissioner George Teal said when commenting on the recent ordinance. Speaking to Fox News Channel host Lawrence Jones during an appearance on “Fox & Friends” on Thursday, April 4. He said that the community is sick and tired of having so many migrants bussed to it, and so it decided to make that stop with the new ordinance.
Describing the situation as one of the community standing up to “freeloading” and keeping the county safe, Teal told Jones, “No more freeloading.” Continuing, Teal explained, “We thought this ordinance was required to make sure that we can keep our community safe.”
The Douglas County News-Press, reporting on the new ordinance, notes that it mentions only “commercial passengers,” refraining from mentioning migrants or illegal immigrants. Continuing, that report noted that what the ordinance does is bans buses from stopping and unloading passengers in unincorporated parts of the county, meaning outside of cities and town.
The report further adds that the ordinance comes despite the fact that “officials have acknowledged that they aren’t aware of any migrants being dropped off in the county.” Regardless, the ordinance, justifying itself, provides that the “unplanned” unboarding of passengers “creates a danger situation for the unloaded commercial passengers, and is detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the community.”
Teal, for his part, emphasized his county’s strongly anti-sanctuary city stance, one that comes much in contrast to Denver. He said, “Denver got on the bandwagon of the anti-Trump fad of declaring a sanctuary city early, among Democrat cities across the nation. We’re not a Democrat county. We’re a community that is mostly Republican. We were never going to be a sanctuary county.”
He added that the ordinance is more forward-looking than based on an immediate problem, as the community thinks Denver will soon start sending migrant buses to Douglas County. He said, “We know that it’s just a matter of time before Denver starts diverting buses here into Douglas County. We’re to the south of Denver — right between Denver and Colorado Springs. And that’s why we did this ordinance, so that, when that happens, we’re prepared.”
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Teal also commented on the sanctuary city phenomenon, saying he thinks it started as a dig at former President Donald Trump, but that it has continued even though Biden is currently the president. He said, “As we’ve all checked and found out, President Trump isn’t the president anymore — at least not yet, again.” He continued, “Right now it’s President Biden, one of their own Democrats. And yet they still continue these policies that they’re starting to regret.”
Watch him here: