Actor Jay Johnston, who voiced the character of Jimmy Pesto in the hit animated series, “Bob’s Burgers” has been taken into custody and charged for allegedly being involved in the Capitol Building riot that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021, according to court documents.
Johnston, 54, was arrested by law enforcement authorities on Wednesday for charges of “civil disorder,” “unlawful entry on restricted buildings or grounds,” and “impeding passage through Capitol grounds,” an affidavit went on to reveal, according to the Daily Caller.
‘Bob's Burgers’ actor Jay Johnston, who played Jimmy Pesto, has been arrested and charged for his involvement in the January 6 Capitol attack.
— Pop Base (@PopBase) June 7, 2023
The report went on to say that video shows Johnston pushing back against law enforcement officers and then taking a police shield and giving it to other folks participating in the chaos. The Federal Bureau of Investigation interviewed some of Johnston’s current and former associates who then identified him as the man in the footage.
One associate then gave the FBI access to a text message that was sent by the actor which said, “The news has presented it as an attack. It actually wasn’t. Thought it kind of turned into that. It was a mess. Got maced and tear gassed and I found it quite untastic.”
Records from United Airlines allegedly show Johnston had a reservation for a flight out of Los Angeles to our nation’s capitol, with a departure date listed of Jan. 4, 2021 and a return date set for Jan. 7, 2021.
Online detectives, known as web sleuths, identified Johnston as one of the folks who involved in the now infamous events of that day at the Capitol Building. Over 1,000 people have thus far been charged with participating in the event.
Johnston was booted from “Bob’s Burger’s” in December of 2021 after his alleged involvement in the incident came to light.
Featured image is a screenshot taken from video embedded above.
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